Monday, May 12, 2008

Congratulations to Eagle U grad Amanda Kimmel for making it to the final 2 in Survivor: Micronesia, Fans vs. Favorites! Amanda won the last immunity challenge, giving her the choice of who to take with her to the Final Tribal Council. She played an awesome game, and we are so proud of her! Jeffrey Probst, the host of Survivor commented that, "Amanda knows how to play Survivor. She knows how to build an alliance, how long to keep it, when to get rid of it. She's very good at looking at odds, she's very good at assessing if [she's] better of against this person or with this person."

Amanda currently has the distinction of participating the most days of any castaway with 78 days known to date. She is the first person since Jenna Morasca to play the game twice and never be voted out, the first to do so without quitting the game, as well as the first player to win two Final Immunity challenges and the first player to ever face the jury twice. Way to go Amanda!

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