Monday, November 24, 2008

Another Eagle U Grad Wins a State Title!

Congratulations to Eagle U grad Alison Cronin who won Miss Massachusetts USA 2009! Way to go Alison!

Friday, November 7, 2008

Eagle U Grad Top 5 Finalist to Host Fox Providence "The Rhode Show"

Eagle U grad Amy Diaz is one of the top 5 finalists in the FOX Providence "The Rhode Show" contest! Amy has a chance to win a job for a year at FOX Providence and be a TV Personality on the "The Rhode Show," a new, locally produced news, lifestyle, and entertainment program premiering in January 2009. She would represent WNAC FOX Providence and "The Rhode Show" on-air, online and in the community, starring in commercials, blogging and attending station events.

As a native Rhode Islander and the outgoing Miss Rhode Island USA 2008, Amy has a commitment and appreciation for Rhode Island that is unparalleled. Her exposure and service to the State as an ambassador during her reign combined with her education and professional experience in television production and on-air talent is her foundation to be the ideal host of The Rhode Show!!!To view videos, pictures, and VOTE FOR AMY, please click here.

Congratulations Amy and good luck!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Eagle U Clearance Sale! 3 Days Only!

Check out all of these discounted products! For 3 days only!
To order, please call 1-888-732-4538 or email

White T-Shirts
Sizes available: S, M, L, XL
Price: $5.00 + Shipping & Handling

Navy T-Shirts
Sizes available: S, M, L, XL
Price: $7.00 + Shipping & Handling

"I'm a 10" T-Shirts
Sizes available: L, XL, 2XL
Price: $7.00 + Shipping & Handling

"10" Pins
Gold/Navy or Silver
Price: $1.00 each + Shipping & Handling

Tote Bags
Price: $5.00 + Shipping & Handling

Window Decals
Price: $3.00 + Shipping & Handling

Pen included!
Price: $2.00 + Shipping & Handling

2009 Calendars
Wall or Desk
Price: $3.00 + Shipping & Handling

"I'm a 10!" or "Be interested"
Price: $1.00 each + Shipping & Handling

Turkey Keychain
Price: $2.00 + Shipping & Handling

White or Tan, one size fits all
Price: $3.00 + Shipping & Handling

Positive Self-Talk
Audio CD
Price: $5.00 + Shipping & Handling

The Magic of Thinking Success by Dr. David J. Schwartz- $3.00
Napoleon Hill's Positive Action Plan by The Napoleon Hill Foundation- $3.00
With No Fear of Failure by Tom J. Fatjo, Jr. & Keith Miller- $3.00
You Can Do It! by Arthur S. Anderson- $4.00
Your Career Fast Track Starts in College by Roger Cameron- $1.00
Mastermind Alliance by Steve Anderson- $2.00
+ Shipping & Handling

Video Series
Time Management by Hollie Pollan
Self-Confidence by Richelle Braun
Master in Communication by Hollie Pollan
Price: $6.00 each or whole series for $15.00 + Shipping & Handling

Hurry and make your order today! Sale ends November 7, 2008.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Eagle U Grad Wins State Title!

Congratulations to Brittany Guidry for winning Miss Louisiana Teen USA 2009! Brittany attended the Eagle U Mental Toughness program this past summer. By using what she learned and remembering her positive self-talk, Brittany was able to set herself apart from the competition. Way to go Brittany! We are so proud of you!